Prior to 1868, Tokyo was known as Edo, and became Japan's political center in 1603 when Tokugawa established his feudal government there. A few decades later, Edo had grown into one of the world's most populous cities and with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, the emperor and capital moved from Kyoto to Edo, which was renamed Tokyo. The city's history be appreciated in districts such as Asakusa and in many museums, historic temples and gardens.
If you're coming from somewhere faraway, you will almost certainly fly into Narita Airport, or into the centrally located Haneda Airport. But air travel isn't the only way to get to Tokyo. If you're coming from elsewhere in Japan, you have plenty of other options: the bullet train, other express trains, long-distance buses, and ferries.
No matter which mode of transportation you take, you won't have any trouble getting to and going around central Tokyo, thanks to the impeccable subway system. Take advantage of the endless lines spanning across the city to get to wherever your trip takes you to.